Courses and Evaluations
Feb 22-23, 2025
NCCP Competition Introduction Evaluation
East Elgin Secondary School, 362 Talbot Street W, Aylmer, ON, N5H 2N6.
NCCP Competition Introduction – Analyze Performance Evaluation
The Ontario Weightlifting Association (OWA) is hosting an NCCP Competition Introduction Practical Evaluation on February 22-23, 2025, during the 2025 Ontario Masters Open. The evaluation will take place at East Elgin Secondary School, 362 Talbot Street W, Aylmer, ON, N5H 2N6.
Athlete Registration Deadline: February 9, 2025
Evaluation and Training Plans Due: February 9,2025
Eligibility and Evaluation Requirements
All coaches seeking evaluation must meet the following criteria:
Athlete Development: Coaches must have actively developed their evaluation athlete from NCCP Stage 2 (Learn to Lift) to Stage 4 (Train to Compete).
Single Athlete Focus: Evaluation will be conducted on one athlete only. However, coaches may work with additional athletes during the competition if they are registered and meet eligibility requirements.
Pre-Evaluation Requirements
Coaches must complete the following prerequisites prior to their evaluation:
Multi-sport Modules: Complete the following three (3) modules and pass the Make Ethical Decisions evaluation found in the NCCP locker:
Make Ethical Decisions (module and evaluation)
Planning a Practice
Multi-sport courses can be found at
Weightlifting Workshop: Complete the Competition Introduction – Analyze Performance Workshop (Trained Status).
Portfolio Submission:
Emergency Action Plan
Four-week Olympic Weightlifting Competition Program: Includes goals, weekly structure, and acute program variables.
Competition Athlete Plan: Includes athlete profile, goals, statement of coaching intent, and warm-up plan.
Evaluation Files(3) can be found here: Sample Training Plan, Evaluation Info Sheet and Training Plan Template.
Practical Evaluation: Demonstrate coaching competency in a competition setting, followed by a debrief.
The facilitator for this course will be Larry Robinson.
Cost: 120$
Please contact if you have any questions.
*This course may be eligible for partial reimbursement through Coaching Association of Ontario's Quest for Gold Bursary. More information here.